Written by Nuala Coombs on February 13, 2021
a pilates student
Healthy Ageing - keep moving

Healthy Ageing - it's up to you

It comes to us all - each year as we celebrate our birthday we start to notice changes occurring. It could be our first grey hair letting us know something is going on. Healthy Ageing is in our hands.  Assuming we have no underlying health issues, our attitude, mindset, diet, exercise regime and sleep pattern all play a significant part in our process.

You may accept you're older but don't consider yourself old. You find some things not so easy as they used to be but, don't fall into the trap of thinking it's because of your age - growing older doesn't  mean you're going to lose your independence or become less mobile. That stiffness you feel bending down to pick something up, or getting out of a chair may have more to do with you being less active than a direct result of your age.  Make Healthy Ageing your priority.


As we age it's easy to lower expectations regarding movement and exercise, becoming more sedentary due to health reasons, pain or just feeling age and slowing down are the natural way of things. I'm here to tell you it's never too late to start moving. The saying "use it or lose it" springs to mind.


My book with the same name will help you understand what's going on in our body as we age - with some good information you can stay healthy, vibrant, productive, active and energised. it's your choice.

It's available from Amazon in Kindle format and paperback -

In Conclusion

Freestanding banner for Pilates studio
Choose Healthy Ageing in my Pilates Studio


Healthy Ageing means you know you can choose to do whatever you want - start a healthy lifestyle, run that marathon, or start a business - as long as you're healthy, life has no bounds. I didn't open my Pilates studio in La Garde Freinet until I was 62. Of course I wasn't new to business, but I didn't give my age consideration when I decided the village needed a Pilates studio and I was proved right.

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