Our Inner Eco-System

Written by Nuala Coombs on February 3, 2023

Our Inner Eco-System includes about 22,000 human genes - it also hosts as many as 3.3 million microbial genes a staggering 150 times more genes than our own genome.

These bugs and bacteria work together with our cells and tissues, in fact our Inner Eco-system directly influences every major body system:

  • Helps digest food
  • Makes essential nutrients we're unable to produce on our own
  • Protects from disease

70% of our entire immune system is found in our gut!

Microbes - Our Inner Eco-System

These microbes have a huge impact on the way we feel. From regulating our appetite, allergies, sensitivities, metabolism as well as neurological function and behaviour. So it's not surprising when they're out of balance our health is at risk. Diabetes, Auto-immune disease, chronic illness, are exasperated by inflammation caused by dysfunction in our microbiota.

In addition our gut is at risk from common problems Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. Usually these are minor, short-term concerns, but should they prove recurrent medical intervention may become necessary.


Gut Solution healthy microbiota leads to a healthy lifespan

Our gut responds well to good practices. Making small changes can yield big results. Because our Gut effects so many systems in our body when it's efficient it will improve many areas of life.

Any small changes to digestive health will benefit skin, energy and mental health to name a few.

Where to Start With Your Inner Eco-System

Let Food be thy medicine and medicine thy food


4 Suggestions to improve your gut health

  • Eat High Fibre food
  • Eat Fermented foods
  • Take Probiotics
  • Improve digestive enzymes

Hi Fibre Foods For Your Inner Eco-System

When you have a diverse diet eating  variety of fruits and vegetables your gut microbiome will function better
Eat the Rainbow

Fibre could possibly be the most powerful solution to improving our Gut function. It acts as fuel for the Gut bacteria, they feed on it - that's why it's such an important dietary component.

Beans, Berries, Oats, Chia Seeds, Avocado, Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts are mainstays in a diet high in fibre.

Fibre-rich foods can be difficult to digest if people suffer with digestive issues such as IBS. The answer is to supplement with Prebiotics. A good place to start to help the Gut bacteria digest the fibre.

Fermented Foods For Gut Health

With the improved information about the importance of a healthy gut fermented foods have become main-stream. Fermented foods - Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha, Yogurt, improve protein quality and assist with the absorption of Vitamins, Magnesium and Zinc.


Regulate Bowel transition to prevent constipation and reduce inflammation in the Gut. Probiotics also heals Colon tissue to help prevent Leaky Gut by strengthening the intestinal barrier. They don't only help with problems associated with the gut, they also help with Type 2 Diabetes, cardio-vascular issues, obesity and mental health.

There are simple ways to change diet and life-style to improve stimulation of the body's digestive enzymes:

  • Chew food well to pre-digest
  • Avoid drinking at meals
  • Eat bitter foods - Endive & Apple Cider Vinegar
  • https://amzn.eu/d/htvq7k6

Small Changes Big Results

Making changes to any area of our life can take time.

Turmeric/Curcumin - Anti-inflammatory Agent

Spice of life Turmeric will help to ease joint pain offering anti-inflammatory and anti oxidant assistance
Spice of Life

Turmeric or Curcumin as it is sometimes known is a potent any-inflammatory and anti-oxident agent. It is said to be more effective than some anti-inflammatory drugs. Used in soups, sprinkled on salads, added to a smoothie or in a curry it's an every-day healthy addition to our diet. https://www.eatingwell.com/gallery/8026253/30-day-anti-inflammatory-diabetes-friendly-dinner-plan/


The driving force of all nature

Leonardo da Vinci
Healthy Water from well changes the composition of the gut microbiome
Staff of Life

Research has shown how the amount of water consumed each day has a significant impact on the composition of our gut microbiome.

Besides the amount of water we drink the mineral content as well as the microbial composition can influence the microbiota.

Sufficient hydration will assist with the movement through the digestive tract helping avoid constipation.

In Conclusion


The health of our Inner Eco-System is vital. Our Gut determines the health of every system in our body when it's functioning we're in control of our overall health. Because it's involved with so many areas if out Inner Eco-System is out of balance we may feel bloated, constipated, headaches, suffer skin problems as well as fatigue.

Inflammation can result increasing the risk of many chronic diseases. Small changes we can make each day can yield big results avoiding serious health problems in the future.

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